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Office Hour : 08:00am - 6:00pm

Flexible Staffing

Flexible Staffing Services

Liable staffing help companies scale and expansion by providing additional capacity exactly when it is needed. Managing such a flexible staffing portends to be complicated. It does not have to be this way.

We display supreme proficiency in benchmarking, forecasting, and sourcing across the entire talent environment. As a leader in talent acquisition and management services, we have deep-rooted experience in both domains – in direct, permanent hire recruiting and in Reliant Staffing Solutions (RSS). Our recognized approach is constantly expanded and improved, as we use it to help businesses manage their reliant worker people.

By working with multiple roles across your business, we learn exactly how many contingent employees are currently in the corporation and develop a detailed map of contractors all over your business.

We support this current contractor map with your projected hiring demands. This helps us to discover opportunities to improve the quantity, classification and cost of your staff. You earn an understanding of the current, actual cost of your contingent workforce – including hidden costs such as agency and vendor costs, contract management, worker sourcing and one-off expenses.

Solutions for Managing a Flexible Workforce

Complex businesses frequently use multiple staffing agencies to supply contingent staff. Proactively managing this unit can obtain considerable advantages. We can implement supplier assessments, create ideal supplier lists and advise alternative suppliers that have supplied better, more cost-effective results for clients. And if you’re considering vendor management system (VMS) technologies to enable greater practice competences, we can support you pick and execute a system that works best for you.

The international supervisory and governmental environment is complex and changes regularly. We also help you manage and minimize risk here by ensuring you’re fully compliant across every part of the business, wherever you operate around the globe.

Our goal is the same as yours – to help you find, acquire, manage and retain the right mix of talent that meets your strategic needs.